Submitting ART
Except during the Annual Judged Show that is open to the public to enter, members follow the Procedure below to display and submit their art.
MAIN GALLERY Mary Ann Gantenbein, Manager
submit. The book is placed on the front table in the studio.
b) Fill out the small, temporary white labels provided with your name, media, artwork title and price; and attach it
to the front of the artwork.
ENTRY GALLERY Mary Schlunegger, Manager
- Members can submit up to four original pieces of framed or gallery wrap canvas artwork for each monthly show.
- Members bring artwork to the Main Gallery on the specified art intake days only: February, April, June, August-Show. September, November, and the December Holiday-Show); The times are on the Sunday (after 3pm) and Monday (all day), the week before the ArtWalk Reception (which takes place the first Saturday of the month). Featured Artists for the Gallery center panels will be changed monthly. Times and dates will be posted in the Gallery, Newsletter, and TEAA Website.
submit. The book is placed on the front table in the studio.
b) Fill out the small, temporary white labels provided with your name, media, artwork title and price; and attach it
to the front of the artwork.
- Take your artwork with the completed temporary label attached into the main gallery and set it on the floor leaning against the wall where the hanging committee will find it. All hanging artwork must be framed and have a hanging wire on the back; no sawtooth hangers are permitted. Artwork “must” be picked up after one month in the Main Gallery, or two months if the Main Gallery Manager is notified and gives approval.
- If you are the Featured Artist of the Month, please review the document titled “Featured Artist of the Month” to learn what you need to do and contact Main Gallery Manager to let her know how much space you will need before they hang the show.
ENTRY GALLERY Mary Schlunegger, Manager
- Prints must be in plastic sleeves with your name, price, and note that it is a “print” on the back (information about the title is optional).
- Place prints in the “print rack” next to the bathroom door.
- Prints can be placed or removed by members at any time.
- Cards must be in plastic sleeves with your name and price on artists’ own sticky label.
- When putting cards in the card rack for the first time, notify the Entry Gallery Manager for a space. For the first time only, leave the cards on the front table during regular Art Intake and clearly label, “for the card rack”. The Manager will find a space in the racks.
- Following initial entry, cards can be placed or removed by members at any t
- Artists Must Notify the Entry Gallery Manager about any items for display to ensure there is room.
- After notification and approval, submit your art at the regular Art Intake.
- Tag each item with the “blue” labels that replicate labels for the Main Gallery.
- Use the “Entry Gallery Inventory” binder with the blue cover page, not to be confused with the Main Gallery sign-in binder.
- Members are responsible for keeping track of their items placed in or removed from the Entry gallery, not the Entry Gallery Manager.
- Small, framed pieces are displayed in the cubbies at the Entry Gallery Manager’s discretion.
- Art can remain for 6 months unless pieces are seasonal. Notify Entry Gallery Manager about replacing sold items. Members who leave for extended times can contact the Entry Gallery Manger for arrangements.
Art in Header Judith Fredrikson, Life Member