Header art, Becky Chapell
Are you interesting in teaching?
We are always interested in finding instructors for workshops and classes. If you're interested just download the Class Proposal Form below and email it back.
Please call the facilitators before attending due to space availability. Free to Members, $5 per session Non-Members.
Monday: Open Studio 10 am-4 pm
Gheri Fouts, Facilitator, 503-738-6434
Begins January 31, 2023
For artists, beginner to pro, who want to use the studio space and do art with others. Must call for reservations.
Tuesday: Intermediate and Advanced Pastel Group, 10 am – 4 pm
Kathy Moberg, Facilitator, 503-738-6653
A group for pastel artists who are intermediate to advanced level. Must call for reservations.
Call for dates
Wednesday: Whatever Wednesday 11 am-4 pm
Judy Madson, Facilitator, 503-717-3537
An open studio to explore any medium with others. Must call for reservations.
Monday: Open Studio 10 am-4 pm
Gheri Fouts, Facilitator, 503-738-6434
Begins January 31, 2023
For artists, beginner to pro, who want to use the studio space and do art with others. Must call for reservations.
Tuesday: Intermediate and Advanced Pastel Group, 10 am – 4 pm
Kathy Moberg, Facilitator, 503-738-6653
A group for pastel artists who are intermediate to advanced level. Must call for reservations.
Call for dates
Wednesday: Whatever Wednesday 11 am-4 pm
Judy Madson, Facilitator, 503-717-3537
An open studio to explore any medium with others. Must call for reservations.
Astoria Art Loft
HERE are more educational workshops and classes from our friends at The Astoria Art Loft in Astoria, Oregon.
HERE are more educational workshops and classes from our friends at The Astoria Art Loft in Astoria, Oregon.